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Intelligent Transboundary Exchange Conference in Xi'an | LTECH Builds Intelligent Lighting- Centric Whole House Smart Homes

Sep 30, 2021

On September 24, East and West Intelligent Transboundary Exchange Conference (Xi'an) was successfully held in Xi'an Aoxiang International Conference Center.

The exchange conference was hosted by Shanghai Pudong Intelligent Lighting Association. Based on new technologies, new intelligence, and new trends, communication and discussions on Chinese western market were carried out at the conference. At the same time, closed-door discussions were also conducted to achieve executing smart scenes. As a co-organizer, LTECH attended the conference.

The scene at East and West Intelligent Transboundary Exchange Conference in Xi’an

At the conference, senior experts and outstanding industry leader were invited to deliver speeches and share their experience. Mr. Long Haiqi, LTECH Marketing Director of Smart Home Division, gave a keynote speech on the theme of “Create a luxury home space with human-oriented”.

LTECH Marketing Director of Smart Home Division Mr. Long Haiqi gave a keynote speech

Smart home industry adapts to changing times, which went through three major development stages: from product-centric smart era to scene-centric smart era and to human-centric smart home era. Mr. Long Haiqi mentioned at the conference that Human-centric Lighting must be convenient, comfortable, healthy, safe and environmentally friendly. Several aspects need to be considered in the lighting design of people living environments, including soft decoration, three-dimensional space, layering, color restoration, beautification of the environment.

Mr. Long Haiqi ‘s keynote speech- Create a luxury home space with human-oriented

Human-centric Lighting must not only meet the requirements of various illuminance levels , but also has to provide comfortable, healthy, and high-efficiency lighting based on people’s living environments, brightness demands, and physiological and psychological characteristics, and create light environments that benefit people’s physical and mental health.

Circadian Lighting

LTECH Whole House Smart Home Centered On Intelligence And Human-centric Lighting

As a leader of intelligent lighting in 5G era, LTECH has cutting-edge technologies and nearly 20 years of experience in dimming lights. LTECH always focused on Human-centric Lighting, which can control almost all types of light fixtures for the purpose of creating a healthy and comfortable lighting environments for humans.

Provide Safety, Stability And Reliability In 5G Era

After nearly 20 years of the accumulation of technology, LTECH has developed from simply creating smart products to achieving smart linkage, and now gradually steps into the stage of active intelligence by use of sensor technology, artificial intelligence algorithm. LTECH smart home product Super Panel is compatible with TCP/IP,Wi-Fi,BLE, which is allowed to connect to smart panels ,smart home appliances, smart light fixtures and smart sensors to form a complete smart home system.

Several communication protocols

L-Home Cloud Service Is Built On The Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform

In 2015, LTECH started to build a cloud management platform with safety, stability and reliability, through which remote connections worldwide is now achieved. Users are able to connect to their light fixtures and various smart devices in the houses , and have centralize control over different devices from different brands. LTECH strives to create smarter, safer, more comfortable and energy-efficient living environments for users .

Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform

Intelligent Space Control Center In The App

LTECH smart home product Super Panel takes control of your smart life in all respects via hierarchic space management. It is now more convenient to have smart devices under control. You can remotely control your devices via App wherever you are, and you no longer need to walk over to turn devices off.

Intelligent Space Control Center in the App

Video of LTECH Super Panel MINI

At the East and West Intelligent Transboundary Exchange Conference in Xi’an, LTECH’s new whole house smart home control system and devices were in display, which attracted wide attention. Therefore, many visitors came for a consultation.

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